The Spiderling Chronicles™, tell the stories of nine little spiderlings and their friends that live at the bottom of your garden. Fun picture books filled with friendly, and not scary, stories, that introduce children to friendly bugs and little critters that live at the bottom of your garden. With fun story related interactive things for adults and children to talk…
Lisa Frei wurde 1935 in dem kleinen Bauerndorf Ismaning bei München geboren, wo sie zusammen mit ihrer Familie den 2. Weltkrieg erlebte. Anhand ihrer gewissenhaften Recherchen, Interviews mit Familienmitgliedern und Bekannten sowie ihrer Erinnerungen schildert sie persönlich Erlebtes, tragische Begebenheiten und Geschichten aus dem Alltag der eigenen Familie und der Dorfbewohner. Ihre beiden Brüder Toni und Schorsch wurden als junge…
Lisa Frei and her family lived in the small village of Ismaning just outside Munich before and during the second world war. Through her painstaking research, family interviews and personal recollections, she narrates the events that took her brothers, Toni and Shorsh, to war. Conscripted to the German army; one went to Russia, while the other went to the Arctic…
Home Staging Secrets 2 book series. Book 1 does a deep dive into the Psychology of Home Staging. where you will learn WHY home staging works and HOW to put into practice. Book 2 is a compilation of some of the most interesting questions useful to homeowners, home sellers, home buyers, Real Estate agents and home stagers.
Oh! What a Lovely Lockdown! is a social distancing adventure for children, featuring twins Lily and Leo by author Vijaytha Murali, raising funds for the WellChild children's charity.